
新概念二册-Lesson 31~35 笔记

Lesson 31 Success story


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注/补充
success n.成功 succeed v.成功
employ v.雇佣
employment n.就业
unemployment n.失业 unemployment rate: n.失业率
of his own 属于他自己 he bought a small shop of his own


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used to do sth. 过去常常做某事


 I used to drink a lot of coffee.

 We used to live in the countryside.

 People used to be happy when they were young.

job / work 区别:



it 作形式主语,不定式作主语:

It was his job to repair bicycles

 这句话 it 只是形式上作主语用于占位,实际上 to repair bicycles 才是真正的主语

 所以这句话等于:To repair bicycles was his job

 除了名词代词以及 20 课学到的动名词外,动词不定式 to do ... 也是可以作主语的

 为什么不定式作主语,不放在主语位置?原因是英语的习惯,不定式有时会非常长,用来作主语显得很啰嗦,所以用形式主语 it 代替




  It is my dream to travel around the world.


  It is very important to study English.


  It is necessary for us to think about the future.


  It is my honor to be here.


Lesson 32 Shopping made easy


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注/补充
once adv. 曾经,一度 一次 once a week 一旦 Once you know the truth, please let us know
temptation n.诱惑 the temptation to do sth.
arrest v.逮捕


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写法:as + 比较的内容(形容词/副词 原型) + as + 比较的对象

 I am as tall as you.

 He works as hard as before.

 I will do it as quickly as possible.

否定写法:not + as/so + 比较的内容(形容词/副词 原型) + as + 比较的对象

否定写法所表达的意思是:和 … 相比还不如 …

 People are not so honest as they were. 人们现在还不如以前诚实了




  Her mother is as beautiful as before || she was || she used to be.

  Traveling was not as easy as today.


  … as … as possible:尽可能地

  I will do it as quickly as possible.


  You are as clever as I think.

  The problem was not as complicated as we thought.

 等等 …


Lesson 33 Out of the darkness


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注/补充
darkness n.黑暗 ness为名词后缀,happiness/carelessness
shore n.海岸
towards prep. 向,接近 towards跟to相比更有过程感,表达逐渐接近xx的意思
cliff n.峭壁
struggle v.挣扎
set out/off 出发,动身
be caught in 被xx困住 I was caught in the traffic jam yesterday
On doing 表示一做什么事情就怎么样


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回顾介词用法:接名词、代词、doing 构成介宾结构,用于补充说明

介词 into 和 in 区别:



from: 从 xx 来

to: 到 xx 去

towards: 逐渐靠近 xx

for: 表达此行的目的地

into: 从外面到里面

out of: 从里面到外面

at / on / in 可以以 点、面、立体 的来理解


Lesson 34 Quick work


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注/补充
most adv.相当,非常 a most interesting story
most 只有加 the,the most 才表示最 the most interesting story


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Dan Robinson has been worried all week.

 has been done: 现在完成时态+被动

In the letter he was asked to call at the station

 was done: 一般过去时态+被动

Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police

 was done by : by 强调发出者

His bicycle had been found

 had been done: 过去完成时+被动(过去的之前)

It now is being sent to his home by train

 is being done:现在进行时+被动


Lesson 35 Stop thief !


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注/补充
while 除了表示当..时候,还可以表示 n.一段时间 a short while ago一段时间以前 / for a while 持续一段时间
regret v.后悔 regret sth.
driving along 开车沿着xx走,along表示沿着走


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He became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.

 这里 has not regretted 用现在完成时,表示一直到现在也没后悔

He is finding his new work far more exciting.

 more exciting 比较级,但比较级不能说明程度,far 就是用来修饰的,这里表示新的工作比以前有趣得多

he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.

 run towards:towards 表示朝着某个方向逐渐接近

 a waiting car:doing 修饰名词表示 主动/正在进行 的

 saw two thieves rush:这里 see sb. do sth. 是省略写法,完整写法应该是 see sb. to do sth. 但这不是很重要

The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.

 get a fright:表示害怕,fright是名词,表示动词害怕可以用 get a fright

 such … that …:如此 … 以至于


如何理解 so … that … / such … that(非常常用)

 像课文中的用法一样,简单来说可以理解为 如此 … 以至于 … 但这样不太符合中文的语言环境

 所以可以理解为: 太 … 所以 … 用于表达一种因果关系


 so 后面接形容词副词

 such 后面接名词或名词词组


 It is such an interesting story that I want to share it with you.

 The story is so interesting that I want to share it with you.