
新概念二册-Lesson 25~30 笔记


新概念二册以每 24 节为一单元,本节开始为第二单元。


Lesson 25 Do the English speak English

生词短语用法 👊

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
several 量词 几个的意思,后面需要加可数名词复数形式 several times / several people
wonder 有两个意思,一个是“感到奇怪”,一个是“想知道”
at last 终于
arrive in … arrive at in强调在xx里面,at强调在某个地点,但没有太严格区分


key structure 🔑



 简单句最重要的就是,主+谓+时态 还有被动语态之类的






 多个简单句 用并列连词连接


 1、顺接:…and… / not only … but … as well(不但而且)

 2、转折:… but … / … yet …



  a. 表示二选一:… or … / either … or …

   or 有否则、要不然的意思

   You have to move out of the way or the truck cannot get past you.

  b. 表示都不选择:neither … nor …(既不…也不…)

 4、因果: … for …(表示原因) / … so …(表示结果)


  she locked the door for she was afraid the thieves.

  I didn’t know the way to my hotel so I asked a porter





 I ran to the station. I missed the bus.

 I ran to the station but missed the bus.

I spoke English very carefully. I spoke English very clearly.

 I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly also. <- 这种句子省略得太多,只剩下一主一谓,以至于有点像简单句,要注意识别并列连词


Lesson 26 The best art critics

生词短语用法 💇‍♀️

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
art critic / art critics n.艺术评论家/复数
material n.材料
curtain n.窗帘、幕布
appreciate(1) v.鉴赏 appreciate modern pictures.
appreciate(2) v.感谢 I really appreciate your help.
critic n.评论家
critical adj.批判的
critically adv.批判地


key structure 🔑





 一个从句 + 一个主句 称为 主从复合句


 从句前 + that,that 不作成分,可以省略,但是建议写完整

 I thick + You are right = I thick that you are right

 Many people pretend + They understand modern art


 Many people pretend that they understand modern art




 不需要加 that 引导词

 They always tell you + what is a picture ‘about’


 They always tell you what a picture is "about"




 所以需要加上连接词表示“是否”,一般是 whether / if,宾语从句中推荐使用 whether

 She always tells me + Are my pictures good or not


 She always tells me whether(if) my picture are good or not








  动+单宾:Many people pretend that they understand modern art.

  动+双宾:They always tell you what a picture is “about”


  He was astonished at what he found.

所以请尝试回答:We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. 是宾语从句吗?


Lesson 27 A wet night

生词短语用法 💇‍♂️

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
field n.田地田野, 也可以表示领域
sleeping bag 睡袋,doing表示功能用途 a swimming pool,a waiting room
soundly adv.状况良好的
wind v.蜿蜒,弯曲

in the middle of 和 in the center of 的区别

 in the center of: 后面只能接地点

 in the middle of: 除了加地点,还可以加时间,in the middle of the night


 1、by train:表示方式方法

 2、被动语态 + by:强调动作的发出者

 3、by the campfire:表示在旁边

some time:一段时间



 1、begin/began to do. it begin to rain

 2、 begin/began doing , it begin raining


 It wan raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.



key structure 🔑





 put up : 支起搭起

 put sb. up:安排某人的住宿

 put up with sb.:忍受某人

 put out the fire: 扑灭了火

 put down: 写下来、记下来

 put away: 放在一边、收起来

 put off: 推迟

 put on: 穿上


Lesson 28 No parking

生词短语用法 🔨

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
rare adj. 稀少的 罕见的 生的(食物) rare people 少数的人
ancient adj. 古代的 古老的
ancient myth 古代的神话
have trouble in doing sth. 某件事情做起来有麻烦 have trouble in speaking English
have (no) effect 有(无)效果

because 和 because of 的区别:

 because 是个连词,后面需要接句子

 because of ,of是个介词,后面需要接词


key structure 🔑



 那位同学 && (坐在最后一排的穿红色衣服的)那位同学,括号中的都是定语



  This is the job. / I have dreamed of the job for years.

  This is the job which I have dreamed of for years.


  这句里面,the job 就是先行词,which 就是关系词(或引导词)

  由于关系词 which 同样是由 the job 演变而来,所以可以推导出先行词 = 关系词这个结论,他们的意思是相等的















  It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.

  这里关系词 that 被省略了,但是 名词 + 主谓 这种结构一定是定语从句


 I have a class which begins at 8:00 am.

  先行词是事物,which/that 都可,a class 在从句中是主语,关系词不能省略

 The lawyer whom/who my brother called didn’t answer the phone.

  由于 the lawyer 放在从句中是作为宾语的,所以可以用whom,既然是作宾语,那么意味着也可以省略

 My daughter asked me a question that I couldn't answer.

  a question是事物 + 在从句中作宾语,可以用 which/that,也省略

 Leo is the student whose bike was stolen.

  Leo 的自行车,用 whose

 Australia is one of the few countries where people drive on the left.


 Sunday is the day when people usually don't go to work.

  先行词是时间,选 when,成分作状语

 Is there any particular reason why you can't come?


Lesson 29 Taxi!

生词短语用法 ⛸️

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
taxi 出租车 美式用法是 cab
apartment 公寓 英式用法是 flat
land v.着陆 名词表示陆地,动词表示着陆


key structure 🔑


 done 修饰名词用作定语表示被动或者已完成

 The ’taxi’ is a small Swiss aeroplane called a ‘Pilatus Porter’.






  The most surprising thing is that it can land anywhere ..


  同宾语从句,但有点小差别,表语从句中 that 不可省略。




  His suggestion is that we should keep calm.

  The question is when he will arrive here.

  The point is if the new plan is feasible.


  have/has + just + done:刚刚

  have/has + already + done: 已经

  have/has + ever + done:曾经

  have/has + never + done:从来都没有

  搭配 since + 过去的时间

   He has lived in Guangzhou since 1994

  搭配 since + 过去的动作(一般过去时的句子)

   He has lived in Guangzhou since he was born


Lesson 30 Football or polo?

生词短语用法​ 🏕️

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
cut 在本文中表示 v.穿过 A small river cuts across the park near my home
sight n.眼界,视域 v.看见,发现 in sight 在视线当中 / out of sight 消失在视线中


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 定冠词 the 表示特指 / 再次提到

 不定冠词 a/an 表示泛指 / 首次提到 只能接可数名词单数

 零冠词 不加冠词 如可数名词复数


  John lives in England. He has a house in London

 海洋、河流、山脉,部分国家加定冠词 the

  The Atlantic / The Alps / The United States


The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.

 威尔河是特指,家旁边的公园也是特指,所以用 the

 I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons

 fine afternoons 指天气好的日子的下午,强调某些天而不是下午,所以用 on

扩展:some / any:


 some 用于肯定句

 any 用于否定/疑问句