
新概念二册-Lesson 16~20 笔记

Lesson 16 A polite request

生词短语用法 😶

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
park 作动词为停放汽车 park your car in the wrong place
reminder 加了er不一定表示人,reminder表示:提示物
fail to obey it 没能做到遵守它


key structure 🔑





  You will miss the train, if you don't hurry.



  If he is out, I will call him tomorrow.

  If he is working, I won’t disturb him.




  If tall chimneys were built above sea level, the tunnel would be well-ventilated.




  If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.





Lesson 17 Always young

生词短语用法 🦅

生词/短语 解释
appear v.出现 本文用于表示登场,扮演
appearance n.外貌
in spite of 尽管… 用法等同于 despite
stage fright 怯场


key structure 🔑







 may - might

 can - could

 will - would

 shall - should



 She must be 35 years old.

 He looks pale. He must be ill.

 She must sit over there.

 something is wrong –变推测-> something must be wrong

 They must be waiting for you 推测正在进行

 It must have rained last night 推测过去,用 must have done

 She must have cried just now 推测过去例子+1


 I must do it now,

 You must do it tomorrow.

have to同样表示必须,不得不的意思,但与must用法不同,需要注意人称和时态

 I have to do it now. (现在)

 She has to do it now. (第三人称)

 You will have to do it tomorrow. (将来时)

 They had to do it yesterday.(过去式)


Lesson 18 He often does this

生词短语用法 🌾

生词/短语 解释
pub n.小酒馆、小酒店
a crime bill 法案


key structure 🔑




 I have a book / She has a book / He had a surprise


 have a meal / have a breakfast / have some water / have fun /



 I have received the letter.

 She has bought a gift.

 He had left.


 如果作实义动词,需要搭配助动词,do does did

 I have a book -> I do not have a book / Do you have a book?

 She has lunch -> She does not have lunch. / Does she have lunch?

 He had a good time -> He did not have a good time. / Did he have a good time?


 I have not received a letter. / Have you received a letter?

 She has not bought a gift. / Has she bought a gift?

 He had not left. / Had he left?


 had had是have动词的过去完成时(had + done 所以是 had had),表示过去的之前有

 I had had lunch at a village pub.

 have/has had 是have的现在完成时,原理同上

 We have had trouble with the plan.

短语动词 give:

 He returned with my bag and gave it back to me (归还)

Give in your exercise books to me. (上交)

 He can’t continue fighting. He will soon give in.(投降)

 I gave away my collection of stamps to the little boy.(送出)

 I have given up smoking.(放弃,这里是戒掉的意思)

 Three of our officers gave them up to the enemy.(投降)


Lesson 19 Sold out

生词短语用法 🌍

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
hurry to + 地点 匆忙赶去某个地方
pity n.遗憾,感叹句感叹名词用what what a pity
might as well == may as well ,是也可以吧的意思,比较无奈的语气


key structure 🔑

情态动词 may(might):




 may do(推测现在) / may have done(推测过去)

 “The play may begin at any moment,” I said.

 “It may have begun already,” Susan answered.

表示请求允许,但注意,在疑问句中 may 只能接主语 I

May I do sth.?


I/You/They may …

May I come in?

You may come in and have something to drink.

情态动词 can(could):



 Trust yourself! You can do it.


 与may不同,may在疑问句中只能接主语 I,而can则不限

Can I help you?

 What can I do for you?

 You can help me to find my size.


 He is abroad. It can't be him. 他出国了,那人不可能是他


Lesson 20 One man in a boat

生词短语用法 🏭

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
waste n.浪费、废物 垃圾 It’s a waste of time/money
waste v.浪费 don’t waste your time
be interested in … 对某些东西感兴趣


key structure 🔑


 动词 + ing 当成名词用




  此外,动名词不一定只有一个 doing 作主语,也有可能是 doing sth. 这样的词组,甚至可以加上修饰补充

Fishing is my favorite sport.

Playing basketball is my favorite sport.

Playing basketball with my friends every Sunday is my favorite sport.



 I often fish for hours without catching anything

 Instead of catching fish

 After having spent whole mornings on the river.






 He sat there. He did not say anything (without)

 He sat there without saying anything.

 He turned off the radio. He left the room (before)

 He turned off the radio before leaving the room.

 I have spent whole morning on the river. I always go home with an empty bag(after)

 After having spent whole morning on the river I always go home with an empty bag.

 这里用 having spent 其实比 doing 多了一层完成时的含义,强调"之前"

 I must apologize. I interrupted you(for)

 I must apologize for having interrupted you.

(To be continued…)