
新概念二册-Lesson 11~15 笔记

Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another

生词短语用法 🍊

生词/短语 解释
turn 作名词可以翻译成:行为、举止


key structure 🔑



Lesson 12 Good bye and good luck


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
sail across the Atlantic 横穿大西洋
proud adj.自豪的 常用搭配:be proud of …
t结尾形容词变成名词,t -> ce important形容词 -> importance名词
plenty of … 不仅表示许多大量,而且表示充足的,足够的
be away 表示离开
will be away 将会离开


key structure​ 🔑



  1、shall + do(不太常用,因为要求主语必须是第一人称)

  2、will + do(更强调临时性)

  3、be going to do(强调已经有预期或事先计划好的事情)


  现在的 将来



非延续性动词 + 一段时间:

 He will leave for two months (❌)

 He will be away for the months(✔️)

 想表示离开,用leave和be away都行,不过leave不能接一段时间,因为leave是非延续性动词(或瞬间动词)


 be away:离开

 be back:回来

 be out:出去

 be in:在家、潮流、在..状态中

 be over:结束

 be on:正在上演

 be up to:能够胜任、有能力做


Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys

生词短语用法 🎍

生词/短语 解释
a group of … 一组/一群 xxx
give a performance 进行一场演出


key structure 🔑



  will be doing -> will表示将来,be doing表示进行(推荐使用)

  shall be doing(不推荐使用)



  I will be waiting here at 10:00 tomorrow.

  They will be coming by train.


  They will not be coming by train

  Will they be coming by train?






Lesson 14 Do you speak English

生词短语用法 🎑

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
lift n.搭便车、升降电梯 v.拎着 ask (sb.) for a lift
wave to sb. 向某人招手
as soon as 一…就…
on除了做介词,还可以做副词修饰动词,表示继续做某事 drive on、go on
Neither of … 表示都没有 neither of us 我们都没有(只能用于两者之间,三者或三者以上使用None of…)
reply to sb./sth. 而answer是及物动词,不需要介词 answer sb./sth.


key structure 🔑


 形式:had + done


  When he got here, she was not there, she had left.


  She had not left?

  Had she left?



 When he got here, she was not there, she had left.

  一般过去   过去完成

   过去   过去的之前



He finished the work. He went home.

 After he had finished the work, he went home.

He finished lunch. He asked for a glass of water

 He asked for a glass of water when he had finished lunch.

The sun set. We returned to our hotrel.

 As soon as the sun had set, we returned to our hotel.


Lesson 15 Good news

生词短语用法 🍼

生词/短语 解释
can / be able to afford 有能力负担
I said in a weak voice 用一个虚弱的声音说道


key structure 🔑

直接引语 变 间接引语

 她说:“我是笨蛋” –转述–> 她说她是笨蛋


 He says, ‘I am a fool’ 直接引语

 He says (that) he is a fool 间接引语,that可以省略


 He said, “I am a fool” 直接引语,动词是过去式

 He said that he was a fool 间接引语,相应地使用过去式(不过也不是绝对的,看情况)

 He said, “I will go to Italy” 一般将来

 He said he would go to Italy 过去将来

 He said, “I went to Italy” 一般过去

 He said that he had gone to Italy 过去完成



