
新概念二册-Lesson 6~10 笔记

Lesson 6 Percy Buttons

生词短语用法 🚀

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
call on sb. / call at sp. 拜访人用call on,光顾某个地方用call at / 可以用visit sb./sp. 代替
ask for … 寻求 He asked me for a meal
In return for … 作为对..的回报 In return for your help


key structure 🔑

冠词:a, an, the

 定冠词:the -> 表示特指

 不定冠词:a /an -> 表示泛指




  I’m hungry. I want an apple.


  I saw a dog in Bridge Street yesterday.



  I want the apple in your hand.


  The dog was really cute.




 I put your book on the shelf. 放下

 I put on my hat and left the house. 戴上


 Come and look at my photograph album. 看

 I am looking for my pen. I lost it this morning. 寻找

 Will you look after the children for me please. 照顾


Lesson 7 Too late

生词短语用法 🍑

生词/短语 解释
valuable 贵重的,强调金钱上的价值
precious 珍贵的,强调非物质的价值
guard 名词 警戒守卫的意思 / 变成动词:keep guard


key structure 🔑

过去进行时(常搭配when/ while / as)

 V.形式:was/were + doing

 用法:表示过去某个时候 正在/持续 进行的事

  She was reading a book at 11:00 last night


  She was not reading a book…

  Was she reading a book …

 when / while / as :


While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.

 这个 opened 为什么用过去式不用进行时,因为”打开“这个动作是一瞬间的,不应该用进行来表示

 上面例句中的 While 替换成 when/as 都可以

 区别就是 while 和 as 这两个词,通常搭配延续性动词,例如进行时态

 而 when 则没有限制,随便


 V.形式:would do 或 was/were going to do


  He said that he would travel abroad next year




  I think (that) you are right.

  that 主要用于连接两个句子,不做成分,是可以省略的。


Lesson 8 The best and the Worst


生词/短语 解释
enter for 报名参加


key structure 🔑







  形容词/副词加est结尾,如果比较长,则在前面加the most


  My younger sister is the tallest one in the class.

  The most serious problem of the project is the lack of power.

  最高级通常搭配介词短语使用,常用的有:in / of:



   He is the tallest of all the student.

   He is the tallest in our class.

   This stereo is the most expensive of all the once in the shop





  I am taller than you

  Air tickets are more expensive than train tickets.



  good/well -> better -> best

  bad/ill -> worse -> worst

  many/much -> more -> most

  little/a little -> less -> least

  old -> older -> oldest(可以表示年龄,还可以表示物体旧)

  old -> elder -> eldest(年龄上)

  far -> farther -> farthest(距离上)

  far -> further -> furthest(可以表示距离,也可以表示抽象意义上的“深远”,例如further education就是进一步的教育的意思)


Lesson 9 A cold welcome

生词短语用法 🐿️

生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
a crowd of … 表示一群xxx
crowded adj.拥挤的
hand 表或者机器的指针 minute hand


key structure 🔑


On Wednesday evening

In the evening


 It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’s time -> in介词如果出现在将来时态中,则表示多久之后,in twenty minutes’s time = 20分钟之后


  in:接一个比较大的时间段-> in 1992/ Jan / Summer /上午下午晚上

  on:搭配具体某一天-> on Monday /July 7th / Wednesday evening

  at:搭配具体时间点-> at 8:00 / midnight / noon / night


  before /after / for 不说了

  since自从:Since then, Captain has flown passenge to many placs

  until直到:I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime

  during在某个期间:It rained heavliy during the night

  by截止到:Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year

  from to从..到..:The shops are open from 9 to 5



 I looked at my watch. -> look是非及物动词,所以需要借助介词连接宾语





Lesson 10 Not for jazz


生词/短语 解释 示例/备注
recently 在英语中通常表示过去时
surprise & shock surprise可以表示让人高兴或者不高兴的“吃惊”,而shock只表示让人不高兴的“吃惊” my father was shocked!


key structure🔑



 变化过程:狗吃了那个蛋糕 -> 蛋糕被狗吃了(宾语提前,被动语态)

 构成:be + done







 Classrooms are cleaned everyday.(一般现在时)

 The new buildng was built last year.



 他每天被打:He is beaten everyday.

 他昨天被打了:He was beaten yesterday.

 他明天将要被打:He will be beaten tomorrow.

 他现在正在被打:He is being beaten now.

 他现在已经被打了:He has been beaten.



 一般完成时:is/am/are + done(经常、习惯性地被)

 一般过去时:was/were + done(之前的某个时候被)

 一般将来时:will be + done(将要被)

 现在进行时:is/am/are + being + done(现在正在被)

 现在完成时:has/have + been + done(现在已经被)

 过去进行时:was/were + being + done(当时正在被)

 过去完成时:had + been + done(那时候就已经被)



  “谁” 的 “什么”

  Lily books -> Lily*’s* books.

  students’ books.

  没有s加’s,如果已经有s,直接加’ 就可以了

  the door of the room -> 房间的门

  the use of data -> 数据的使用


  a friend of my father*’s* = a friend of my father’s friends.


